Microdermabrasion helps to reveal a fresher, younger looking you. Ideal for clearing of black heads, surface spots, sun-damaged skin, dull or ageing skin, or blotchy skin with fine lines. At Skin Brilliance we offer both micronized crystals or diamond head

Micro and Bio Cellulose Mask
Micro and Peel
Micro and Bio Cellulose Mask      $177.00

Microdermbraion to resurface and smooth the skin followed by the super hydrating and soothing Bio-Cellulose mask

Micro And LED                                $187.00

Microdermabrasion exfoliation to resurface plus the benefits of LED Light to hydrate, plump, regenerate and firm the skin

Micro And Peel                               $197.00

A super resurfacing treatment with a double exfoliation of Microdermbraion to resurface and refine followed by a specialised clinical peel.

Micro Brilliance Facial                   $257.00

Microdermabrasion to exfoliate the skin followed by a Clinical Peel to further resurface and refine. LED Light to regenerate and hydrate, finishing with Bio-cellulose mask to soothe and nourish.


Microdermabrasion is a minimally invasive skin treatment where a finely abrasive technique is used to buff away the outermost layer of the skin. After a few sessions, the new skin layer usually appears smoother and younger looking.

The benefits of microdermabrasion in Brighton are many. It removes dull skin, softens fine lines, smoothes out coarse skin texture, reduces acne and pore size, fades scars and brown spots, and stimulates cell turnover and the creation of collagen.

Results from your microdermabrasion treatment can last for six to twelve months, but may last longer depending on how well you take care of your skin after treatment. If you are looking for longer-lasting results, you may wish to consider dermabrasion or another skin rejuvenation treatment.

Microdermabrasion can be done as frequently as weekly or up to every eight weeks depending on your skin’s tolerance and desired cosmetic effects. Many people choose to start with weekly treatments for three sessions, then change to a monthly maintenance regimen.

In most cases after microdermabrasion, the pinkness largely fades by six to eight weeks. You can use makeup as soon as the skin is healed. Generally, most people can resume their normal activities in seven to 14 days after dermabrasion. You should avoid sunlight for a few weeks after the pink color has gone away.

Treat skin mildly and moisturize as needed for the first 5 days after microdermabrasion. You can restart your skin care regimen, including glycolic acid products, retinols and exfoliating cleansers 5 days after treatment.

Microdermabrasion should not hurt. It may feel a little uncomfortable during the treatment, and your skin will likely feel tight for a few hours after, but it should not be painful. It is one of the softest, non-invasive skin treatments available today and can achieve great results.

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